"Are you a newbie starting out, or a struggling novice who are fed up with those keyword tools where you have to watch a dozen tutorial videos…..and then read a 100 page manual, just to try to figure out the basics?"....
...."And does your frustration with these other keyword tools really boil over when you know you have to spend even more time trying to figure out those mind-numbing columns of keyword data?"
...If you answered 'YES' to any one of those.....then keep reading, because this is..... DEFINITELY FOR YOU.
Now, you've got a chance to own a keyword tool that can automatically research hundreds of keywords and generate a list of the most perfect keywords already categorized into their money making potential..... all done for you in just 10 minutes using only 8 clicks of the mouse.
It sounds like a dream doesn't it....
......a keyword tool that AUTOMATICALLY does all the hard keyword analysis work for you.
But it's not a dream at all..
It's real..... it's here.....and it's available to you now!
This Is THE Next Generation In Keyword
Tool Technology Built For Newbies &Novices .....
....Now You're Guaranteed To Always FindThe Perfect 'Money Making' Keywords EVERY Time....
I’m not going to beat around the bush here when I say…
Doing 'Traditional' Keyword Research Is Now Obsolete...
I Am 100% Confident That 'Money Keyword Finder' IS The Single Most Powerful Automated Keyword Research On The Market.
I should know – because I’m the guy who created it.
Allow me to introduce myself….
My name is Glen Hooke, and I'd like to quickly take 20 seconds to tell you how this one of kind software was developed...
You may have even had the same bad experience as this...
12 years ago when I first started online, I had to do some keyword research for the first website I was building.
I bought this keyword tool (I can't remember the name of it now) and when I opened it up to use for the first time, I was dumbfounded......
I put my first keyword into the software, and out came 12 columns of gibberish (At least that's what I thought it was back then).
Of course I had no clue what all that 'data' meant.
So then I had to resort to try reading the 150 page manual (all written in 10 point type) that came with the software (videos weren't popular for tutorials back then)
That manual was also full of more written gibberish which was trying to explain the other keyword data gibberish that was on my computer screen.
After two more hours trying to read and understand this 'manual', I somehow ended up with a batch of keywords.
But I really didn't know how good the keywords were that I'd chosen.
It was all so overwhelming... and damn frustrating.
To cut along story short, I went to bed that night after 6 hours trying to figure all this out.... with no keyword list....and with a monumental headache.
It was then I decided,....enough's, enough....there had to be an easier way to do keyword research that this
So I started studying search engine algorithms, (kinda nerdy, I know, but that’s what I vowed to do).
Then, one morning…a light-bulb went on, a flash of inspiration hit me....I'd hit upon the answer....... and 'Money Keyword Finder' was born.....
Money Keyword Finder:
The Fastest, Easiest Way To Find Profitable ‘MONEY’ Keywords… in Minutes!
Money Keyword Finder Does All The Work For You!
As I said, when I developed 'Money Keyword Finder', the first thing that was on top of the priority list was.......it had to be simple and easy to use.
Because – if you’re like most novice and newbie marketers -- you don’t care about graphs, reports, figures, confusing equations or comparative statistical analysis data.
You don't have the time to go through all that.
All you care about is.....
....getting accurate results, making sales and getting money in the bank as soon as you can.
That's all!
So what I did was… create a keyword research software that ‘thinks’ like a search engine. It analyzes the search volume, competition, and dozens of other factors (more on that in a minute).
With all this complex analysis being done in the background.
So all you see is a simple, easy-to-understand, user interface that leads you step-by-step taking you by the hand every step of the way.
(if fact when I was developing the software, just to be 100% sure 'Money Keyword Finder' was totally dead-easy to use, I had my 13 year old niece using the software, and she was pumping out a keyword blueprint after just a few minutes. (No manuals...no videos, just 2 minutes of instruction from me)
Simply type in one general phrase (like “water heaters”), then click your mouse and total of 7 more times....
… and within a few minutes you’ve got hundreds of keywords, all organized into a keyword blueprint, and displayed into their four easy-to-understand 'money making' potential categories, just like this....
Here's a couple of examples of what a 'Money Keyword Blueprint' looks like...
All The Keyword Research Is Done For YouWithin 6 Minutes and Eight Mouse Clicks!
It’s just four simple steps.
Each step has just a click or two.
That’s it. No thinking… no hours wasted on so called “research” that falls flat.
Just point and shoot.
Money Keyword Finder does all the work for you....
......it collects hundreds of highly related keywords, gives you the monthly search volume, analyzes the top competitors for that keyword, and then organizes them into four easy categories.
There’s no wondering what to do next.
Just follow the recommendations, create content around the “money” keywords and watch the traffic start rolling in…
Let Me Quickly Show You How Easy 'Money Keyword Finder' Is To Use.
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